Vidéo de la conférence de Steve Jones : Reconstructing the First Humanities Computing Center
Dans le cadre de l’édition 2018 de la Vitrine Humanités Numériques / DH Showcase, Steve Jones fera une conférence plénière intitulée « Reconstructing the First Humanities Computing Center: Modeling What we Don’t know »:
It’s well known that in 1956, Roberto Busa, S.J., founded the first dedicated humanities computing center in Italy. In 1961 this experimental operation moved into a former textile factory outside Milan, where IBM punched-card data processing machines were installed. It was named CAAL, the Centro per L’Automazione dell’Analisi Letteraria (Center for the Automation of Literary Analysis). There student operators worked on the Index Thomisticus, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other projects, 1961-1967. This lecture looks at an NEH-funded collaborative project for modeling that Center, its workflow, infrastructure, and institutional contexts. Starting with a demolished building and a mostly lost era of computing, the project finds itself modeling absences, gaps, and uncertainties, engaging in a kind of speculative media archaeology, modeling what we don’t know about the earliest history of humanities computing.
Steve Jones est le titulaire de la Chaire DeBartolo in Liberal Arts et Professor of Digital Humanities in the Department of English at University of South Florida.
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 3 février 2018 à 15 h 32 min.