Conférence de Matthew Battles (Harvard University)

Matthew Battles fera une conférence intitulée « Earth Measurer: Biodiversity, Affect, and Technology in the Midst of Mass Extinction »  dans le cadre des activités du CRIHN au printemps.

This lecture will be followed at 1.30pm by a round-table, co- organized with the CELCP, entitled « Earth, Ecology and the Planetary Imaginary” with Jill Didur (Concordia U), Matthew Battles (Harvard U), and Heike Harting (U de Montréal)

Matthew Battles is associate director of metaLAB at Harvard, where he develops design interventions, media provocations, and technology projects in collaboration with a team of architects, web designers, scholars and artists. Matthew has written about the cultural dimensions of science and technology for such venues as The American Scholar, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, Harper’s Magazine, and The New York Times. His book Library: an Unquiet History (W. W. Norton) is available in eight languages worldwide and has been in print since 2003, and he is coauthor, with Jeffrey Schnapp, of The Library Beyond the Book (Harvard 2014). His newest book, a material and cultural history of writing entitled Palimpsest: A History of the Written Word, appeared in 2015 under the Norton imprint.

[La vidéo de cette conférence est disponible sur notre site.]

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 16 avril 2019 à 15 h 57 min.