Publication dans des actes de colloque (CAC) 2015
Lawani, O., Aïmeur, E., Dalkir, K. “Improving users’ trust through friendly privacy policies: an empirical study.” 10th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, CRISIS 2015, Greece, 2015.
Francis Palma, Naouel Moha, and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc. Specification and Detection of Business Process Antipatterns. In Morad Benyoucef and Michael Weiss, editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on eTechnologies (MCETECH). Springer, 15 pages. May 2015.
Sahnoune, Z., Aïmeur, E., El Haddad, G., Sokoudjou, R. “Watch Your Mobile Payment: An Empirical Study of Privacy Disclosure.” 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 934-941. Helsinki, Finland. IEEE, 2015.
Jane Hayes, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Giuliano Antoniol, Wenbin Li, and Mirek Truszczynski. Error Leakage and Wasted Time: Sensitivity Analysis of a Requirements Consistency Checking Process. In Marouane Kessentini, editor, Proceedings of the 1st North American Search Based Software Engineering Symposium (NasBASE). Elsevier, 15 pages. February 2015.