« Digital Humanities Virtual Seminar 2020 » : Shawn Graham (Carleton U)

!!Événement annulé pour cause de Coronavirus!!

Dans le cadre de la deuxième édition du séminaire virtuel organisé avec le ThincLab (Université de Guelph) et le Humanities Data Lab (Université d’Ottawa), Shawn Graham fera une conférence intitulée « They Sell What? Studying the Trade in Human Remains on Social Media » :

In the early days of both fields for instance researchers often collected the human remains of ‘the other’ in attempts to bolster claims to European superiority. With time, many of these human remains found their way onto the market, into the hands of collectors and ‘enthusiasts’. With the advent of social media and platform capitalism, there has been an explosion in this trade. In this talk, I discuss our research using computer vision techniques, ‘distant viewing’ and ‘distant reading’ to try to understand why people buy and sell human remains, how they do this, the extent of this trade, and what seeing like a machine implies for how we view the humanity of these peoples whose remains are commodified this way. The results have implications for both the living and the dead.

[Les autres conférences du séminaire virtuel DH 2020 sont Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta), Ariel Beaujot (UW – La Crosse) et Cecily Raynor (McGill University).]

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 13 mars 2020 à 8 h 29 min.